Thursday, April 17, 2014

Transformation Through Meditation

So a few days ago, I started a 21 day meditation experience hosted by Oprah and Deepak Chopra  that I signed up for a couple of weeks back. For those of you who aren't familiar with the benefits of meditation, I urge you to become acquainted with my old friend. It's beneficial to many areas of life, and several successful business-folk  are advocates for it, including Russell Simmons, who's new book Success Through Stillness: Meditation Made Simple was released on March 4th of this year.

Meditation helps one focus their energy through lack of movement. This focus of energy, as I have so eloquently put it, assists in channeling this energy throughout other areas of your life. It improves peace by giving you something to go back to if turmoil arises; in this case, a daily mantra/focusing thought. On day two of this challenge, I was helped greatly by this by closing my eyes, stroking my wrist mala, and silently repeating my centering thought for the day and was brought back into the flow of peace throughout my day. I'd also like to mention that this day was also one of inclement weather (rain and later on that night a spot of snow) but despite the weather I was in good spirits and high energy all day! I'd also like to think the energy of the coming full/blood moon that night, which due to overcast from the aforementioned weather I was unable to witness.
I mentioned the weather because usually when we humans see any form of precipitation, we greet the day with a ho-hum vibe which impacts the flow of our daily activities, and our attitude towards them. I didn't get a full night's sleep, but meditating before I finally did retire and making the affirmation that I would be alert and well rested for my shift at work, which thanks to some wonderful h20 and granola for breakfast I was. Don't worry, I got my nap in as well folks. ^-^
I say all of that to say this: meditation really does work wonders. Paired with yoga, it's amazing and can truly transform your life. You don't have to sit for 30mins, at least when you first begin. Remember baby steps are detrimental to trying new things. Consisitency is key. The challenge now begins day 4 today, and they are available for five days after it's initial intro. So hurry and sign up if you want to join me as I journey wit Oprah, Deepak and millions of others seeking to grow through this 21day period of meditating!

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Dream and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Well known for his work in The Civil Rights Movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. his contributions, and the contributions of countless others well known and unknown -black and white alike, allow many of us here in America to lead lives and professions thanks to their hard work and sacrifice. A remarkable man indeed, he enrolled in Morehouse College at the age of 15, and went on to receive his B.A in Sociology. I'll save you a recap on history, but please note for those who wish I had, or better yet wish to receive knowledge/further education on this brother (and other mentioned subjects herein); several links are provided. :-}
Today's holiday has led me to reflect on such instances, which as an alumna of Virginia Union University,  a HBCU (Historically Black Colleges/Universities), inspires me to never take what I have recognized as my rights since 1990, for granted. In February of 1960, a group of  34 VUU students who walked from my campus to downtown Richmond to host a peaceful sit-in at an establishment where African American's were unjustly treated. This event was essential to Richmond's desegregation ,and the group of brave students is now known as The Richmond 34. Persistence in the Civil Rights Movement allow many of us to live "the dream" Dr. King had several years ago.
I always remembered the year Dr. King was assassinated clearly because it was three months and four days prior to my mother's birth. In today's fast paced and technologically savvy society, I believe time often gets away from us quickly on a daily basis, but certain events weren't too long ago.
In about the past week or two, I have seen various party promotions that went viral because of the photoshopped image(s) of Dr. King dressed in a hip-hop uniform of sorts, surrounded by voluptuous women with one even mentioning something about the "freedom to twerk". Has hip-hop and the newly viral twerk culture (falsely credited to Miley Cyrus) become more important than the efforts of those who have literally risked their lives marching, booked for minor offenses such as attempting to segregate "white only" establishments during the Jim Crow era, and in extreme cases, becoming the Strange Fruit Nina Simone soulfully sang of , "hanging from the Poplar Trees".
There have been several headlines I've seen online in light of this holiday, one questioning if there has been progression or regression of black folks/black culture in general. Which is debatable depending on whom you ask, when, where, and in reference to what aspects, current events, pop culture influence, and blatantly bigoted actions by several individuals on a daily basis. I say those things to say the following:
Let's not forget the dream, and let us work hard to continue to "let freedom ring" by taking accountability for our actions, honoring our ancestors, and continuing to build a lasting legacy for our children for years to come. Don't take the efforts of many be in vain.
Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Friday, November 1, 2013


That is the first thing that came to mind when I looked at this empty space, and before I could even think of what to post.
Then the melody of the track by Floetry appeared.
The track will be listed below, but lets talk about feelings, shall we?

We all have them: despite how many may deny or compose quotes about their lack of them, fact of life is we ALL have them. You have to feel a way about them to acknowledge your alleged lack of them, but anyway...

Yep, we all feel. Ouch, Ooh, Ah. Wondrous, isn't it? As opposed to dismissing feeling, let it fester. You may surprise yourself with how good it feels to just BE.

As promised, allow me to present; Floetry- Feelings

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Friday, October 11, 2013


"Those words will still be there. The words are always there." -?uest Love
The above quote is from my newest read, Mo Meta Blues: The World According to QuestLove by Ahmir "QuestLove" Thompson and Ben Greenman Copyright Ahmir Thompson (2013) Grand Central Publishing.

This book is amazing to me! I've only just begun. Shot out to my local library for having this as well. Definitely got to add this to my library ASAP. But since I'm ballin on a budget, library it shall be until further notice. ^_^

SIDEBAR: Here's some fun facts about my relationship with the library of late. When I went to renew my card, I found out my membership was still under a juvenile account -I turned 23 in July. AND TODAYYY, I roll up to the library thinking it's all good and what do ya know? Doors don't open, mass confusion enters my brain. I look over at the sign FRIDAY-SATURDAY 8-5. Defeat conquers my face. To add insult to injury, they're closed Monday for the holiday. Hopefully I can make it tomorrow to print out glowing recommendation numero dos.

Back to life, back to reality. That quote sums up the very essence of my being. I've been reading for about twenty years now. Words are my passion. Being a writer/poet/artist, I'd say they're quite important to me.

Sometimes they're all I have, others I feel and don't have any to describe said feelings. Music, words. Even jazz/instrumentals can bring them to me. I can barely find the words to describe my affinity for them.

What gives YOU that feeling?

Saturday, October 5, 2013


For the first time My brothers football team WON! This is his junior season and the first win for my high school in the 4th season since I graduated five years ago. Proud of them.
Hanging with the girls right now. Would've made the deadline for a Friday posting but I started it and that counts lol

Thursday, October 3, 2013


The title is in the collective voices of The Ashley's from one of my favorite childhood cartoons "Recess".
Shonda Rhimes is AMAZING! So inspirational to me as a writer. That's what I want to captivate through my craft, my ART!
Not only the writing, but the acting is phenomenal.
I watch this with the eyes of another wordsmith, and dissect it, and devour it.
That woman is a game changer.
Snaps for Kerry as Olivia.
Going to continue to enjoy life day by day but next Thursday it is ON!
Stay tuned for my breakdowns of the plot beginning next week.

Musical Musings- River Emeli Sandé

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I caught the song and searched it when watching "The Game" S6Ep9. This beautiful song, about letting go of fear and allowing love to do its thing, closed out the episode when Blue kissed Kiera and she let him take it all the way after revealing earlier in the episode to Tasha and Chardonnay that she was a virgin.

Give it a listen and let me know what ya think! /(^o^)\